Thursday, 18 April 2013

Example of Publication Book with Visual Communication II

Tokyo Edit #1

Tokyo Edit is a new book published by ROCKET BOOKS.
This bulky 500 pages publication introduces you the very present of Tokyo in a non typical guide book style. Bi-lingual ( Japanese-English ).

Example of Publication with Visual Communication I

Ideas of Design Exhibition

Motto Berlin store on September 12th, 2009 

Kiosk, Forms of Inquiry, Kinross, Modern Typography, Graphy (1992, 2004, 2009), In Real Life, From Mars, Place It, Designing Critical Design, Visual Poetry Kumgangsan, Roma Publications 1-90, Extended Caption (DDDG), Graphic Design, In The White Cube, On Purpose

Visual Communication Class's Publication Book

Here is my class Visual Communication's assignment that describe about Visual Communication.

It is all done in illustration to catch more attention and interest from audience / reader to read more further.
With illustration, they can remember the content more easily.
Hope you all like it...
You can comment for any mistake / improvement...
Thankz especially for those who leave their precious comment...^^