Thursday 21 March 2013



Feels Sleepy, like a body without spirit...But still got moring and afternoon class to attend....Orrrr.....Sleepy...(=.=) Zzz


Feels Sleepy also because of Morning Classes, and the assignment from last week is "building up higher"..... Willing to finish it, but the mind keep thinking do later, do later, do later....and then....


Class starts at afternoon, means that i can sleep more, but tons of assignment waiting to be finish. Because the due date is coming.


My favorite day (for this semester only), because no class...
Can sleep as long as i want, and search internet, youtube, facebook, eat, drink, all the day (without worring the tons of assignment). Just like having holiday, keep relax, relax, relax....


Morning class again ( i hate it ), must finish ALL the assignment, because (some of it ) need topass-up at Monday.
Why don't just do it at Saturday and Sunday? Because I'm taking part-time job at TERMINAL 1 SHOPPING CENTER'S FASHION SHOP from 10.30a.m. until 9.30p.m. to earn my pocket money, and it is very tired to do assignment....
I don't want to take money from my mum again, because my mom had bought me all the stuff for college use, like laptop, printer, DSLR camera and some payment for college.

Example of info-graphic

(info-graph 2)


This info-graph shows the information of tea.

I like this info-graph because the layout is neat even though that it has a lot of illustration.

The usage of font, small picture, illustration and color makes the entire layout is eyes-catching.

The color used is dark color and most of the color used is from brown color family, because it was related to tea color.

A lot of information was packed in this info-graph, that's why the font must used in creative way. The fonts are placed in different type, size, color and direction.

I don't know much about the tea, but i learn something from this info-graph, such as the calories in tea, advantage of drinking tea, amount consumed worldwide, nutrition in tea and etc.

Hmmm....Is Time For Tea... 

Example of info-graphic

(info-graph 1)


This info-graphic shows the amount of water used and polluted by producing meat.

This info-graphic make me interest because it's simple layout.

Pictures used are simple and the arrangement was neat, audience can easily get the knowledge from the layout.

The color used for the whole design match with the information, because it describing the usage of water for producing meat.

The information provided is short and easy to understand.

I agree the information from the info-graphic, because water were used from farming them until it is on top of our table. 

Water were wasted during cleaning the farm, for feeding and drinking, processing, and etc.

After I saw this poster, i can't imaging how much water were wasted and polluted during farming livestock and producing the meat that we eat.

That's why sometimes i will eat vegetarian food...

Thursday 14 March 2013

My 1st class with NEW LECTURER


Hrrrrrrr....lazy to write blog, but i forced to do this, because this is included mark for my assignment 5...
(= =|||)

haha. that's enough... now i want to talk about my 1st class with the new lecturer (Ms.Athirah).
1st time that ms attended class, i though that she may gave fewer assignment than the last lecturer, but I'm disappointed, because after she discussed the chapter, she just gave assignment... My first felling is like : OMG!!.(O..O)

The same thing happened in following class...
The assignment is harder and harder than i can imaging. Because she just discuss the important note and give assignment.

But, I like the way that ms teaching, because with the important note given by ms, i can explore the detail myself before doing the assignment. This is challenging, i nearly can not effort to do the assignment, but at the last, i still pass-up the assignment at time. (except for this blog post, because it's already 2 weeks late = =)
week after week, I already accustomed to this situation...(except when ms says want to give assignment) haha...

But still wanna say ; "NICE TO MEET YOU MS ATHIRAH"