Thursday 14 March 2013

My 1st class with NEW LECTURER


Hrrrrrrr....lazy to write blog, but i forced to do this, because this is included mark for my assignment 5...
(= =|||)

haha. that's enough... now i want to talk about my 1st class with the new lecturer (Ms.Athirah).
1st time that ms attended class, i though that she may gave fewer assignment than the last lecturer, but I'm disappointed, because after she discussed the chapter, she just gave assignment... My first felling is like : OMG!!.(O..O)

The same thing happened in following class...
The assignment is harder and harder than i can imaging. Because she just discuss the important note and give assignment.

But, I like the way that ms teaching, because with the important note given by ms, i can explore the detail myself before doing the assignment. This is challenging, i nearly can not effort to do the assignment, but at the last, i still pass-up the assignment at time. (except for this blog post, because it's already 2 weeks late = =)
week after week, I already accustomed to this situation...(except when ms says want to give assignment) haha...

But still wanna say ; "NICE TO MEET YOU MS ATHIRAH"

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